Uno Card Game Review (Angry Birds Edition)
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I do a quick review and play through of the classic Uno card game, but now with Angry Birds!
If you guys want to see more, subscribe and like, your feedback is always welcome!
Hint- Comment the answer
Watch My Zigidy Card Game Review:
*All music and characters shown in this video belong to their respective owners, I own nothing but the video I produce.
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어디에 팔나요?
I was hoping you would review on the quality of the cards, how you like the size and thickness, etc. From what I saw in the video, the cards are kind of see through, so I would assume they are quite thin and therefore easy to rip? Or are they thin but durable? Paper or plastic?
How about material of this edition?
I wish I can play this one without King Pig cards
once I heard the 3 seconds of the opening theme I knew it was Rooftop Run Classic Version From Sonic Generations