How to Play UNO in Malayalam | UNO Rules | UNO Card Game Tutorials -

How to Play UNO in Malayalam | UNO Rules | UNO Card Game Tutorials

SisBro Live
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How to play UNO?
എങ്ങനെ യൂനോ കളിക്കാം

Sis Bro Feba will teach you how to play UNO with friends very easily. UNO is an American popular card game ,the game’s general principles put it into the Crazy Eights family of card games .Its very fun to play and quite simple. Here we are presenting how to play UNO in Malayalam.

UNO കളിക്കാൻ പഠിക്കാം

The goal of UNO is to be the first person to play the very last card in your hand.
Each round score points for the cards their opponents are left holding.
The fun of UNO is the requirement to yell “UNO!” when you are down to that last card.
The first player to score 500 points wins the game.

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