DIY. Make your own UNO cards. -

DIY. Make your own UNO cards.

Fun time with Sara and friends
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Index cards. You need a total of 108 cards. If the cards are big, cut them in half.
Pen or sharpie.
Four crayons (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow)

UNO cards breakdown:
Total number of cards: 108 (25 each of red, green, blue and yellow. 8 of no color)

Number cards: 76
Each color contains 19 Number cards. One number 0 card and two each of cards numbered 1-9.

Action cards: 24
There are three types of Action cards. There are two of each action card in each color.
–Draw 2 (the next player must draw 2 cards and miss their turn)
–Reverse (reverses the direction of play)
–Skip (the next player is “skipped”).

Wild cards: 8
There are two types of Wild cards. Four cards of each type.
–Wild (change color)
–Wild Draw 4 (change color and the next player must draw 4 cards)