7 Rules You May Have Missed In UNO The Card Game – How To Play Correctly
7 Rules You May Have Missed In UNO the Card Game.
Genre: Family Board Games
Hand Management
Take That Mechanism
Players: 2-10
Designer: Merle Robbins
Publisher: Mattel
How to Play UNO
UNO is a card game based on the public domain card game Crazy Eights. It is a game that has lived on shelves and in the nostalgic memories for decades and decades. Many people who play UNO have often changed, adapted or house ruled the game over time.
In this video we examine some of the widely overlooked rules to this game and we explore how this game was meant to be played. Some of these rules you may be familiar with and others you may not even know. This video aims to shed some light over the official rules for the original intention of the game.
The aim in a game of UNO is for players to empty their entire hand of cards throughout each round of gameplay. The winner of each round then gains points equal to the face up value of the cards remaining in their opponent’s hands. The first player over several rounds to accumulate 500 points wins the game.
The Board Game Sanctuary is a family friendly board game channel that aims to introduce the board gaming hobby to new and seasoned players in a light, fun and humourous way.
Uno Attack